Cat Nip Cocktail

Recipe Description

Every time I squeeze clementines I feel like Iā€™m milking a cat (a la Meet the Fockers)–add that to Old Tom (another cat–though admittedly not the milkin’ kind)–and you have a Cat Nip Cocktail! The name, the color, and the subtle spice and earthiness of the simple syrup, I had to dedicate this cocktail to Halloween šŸ™‚


  • 2.5 ounces Old Tom Gin
    Ransom, Scofflaw or Hayman's all work here.
  • 3/4 ounce fresh clementine juice
  • 1 ounce fresh lemon juice
  • 3/4 ounce Traeger's Smoked Cocktail Syrup
    You might try simple syrup made with white sugar or even brown sugar or raw sugar (for demerara syrup which also seems to have vanilla notes). I, of course, want to try it with Caged Heat Cocktail Syrup--really put the Nip in Cat Nip!
  • 1 clementine peel ribbon
    again, totally optional


Put one Nick & Nora glass in the freezer with the orange ribbon (if using) curled in the bottom.

Combine all remaining ingredients in a shaker. Add ice. Shake vigorously.



Strain cocktail into chilled glass. Cackle & enjoy!