Maple Perfect Manhattan

Recipe Description

Ever since I started dabbling with the keto diet, I’ve eased up on my former go-tos, which were any type of sour or fresh gimlet–basically gin with lemon or lime and simple syrup and maybe a liqueur or two. Simple syrup is a big no-no in ketoland! (Liqueur probably is too.)

Faced with this new limitation, I tried to go back to basics with Manhattans and Old Fashioneds and such. No, I did not check the carb count–I feel like it’s the thought that counts 😂😂😂 Fact is, I really started digging the one-giant-rock-in-a-double-old-fashioned-glass type of drink and right now, the Maple Perfect Manhattan is my absolute favorite!

I must give credit to the original recipe of course, but I made one tiny change so now it’s mine!! (Ok, the change is totally optional, but I did take the picture myself!!!)

*If you don’t know what “perfect” means in this context, read on: a perfect drink is one that uses both sweet and dry vermouth. So a perfect Manhattan would be one that splits the vermouth into both dry and sweet. My mother’s favorite drink was a perfect Rob Roy, which my father would screw up his face at both because it was scotch (which he hated) and it was scotch mixed with something (which basically everybody hates, right???) Come to think of it, though, I never did see my mother drink one. As the youngest of nine I only met my mother after her night-out days were long behind her.


  • 2 ounces Rye
    Lot 40 is my favorite right now.
  • 0.5 ounce Dry Vermouth
    Dolin's is the only one I own.
  • 0.5 ounce High Quality Maple Syrup
    Axe is the best maple syrup I've ever had bar none. Good luck getting a bottle, but you could try here:
  • 1 Italian-style Maraschino Cherry (plus a little of the juice)
    Luxardo was my first but the price is through the roof. Bada-bing by Stonewall Kitchens is much cheaper and still very good.
  • 2 dashes Bitters
    The original recipe calls for bitters which usually means the original Angostura but I tried some Black Walnut bitters and I think it worked. Your choice.


Put a double old fashioned glass in the freezer & make sure you have a giant ice cube already made.

Put all ingredients including a little of the cherry juice but not the cherry in a glass with ice. Stir until cold. DO NOT SHAKE! It will aerate it and totally ruin the smooth finish.


Put the cube and the cherry in the glass and strain the drink over the cube.
